Priyanka Ashraf
Equity Advocate
Priyanka is a proud Bangladeshi migrant who moved to Australia almost 20 years ago. She founded her first business at 15, the second at 21 and she's now onto the third.
A former international student, she started her career as a lawyer before transitioning into technology - working as a consultant (PwC) and at various startups.
As an equity advocate, Priyanka does 3 things to address systemic racism in Australia:
1. S T O R Y T E L L I N G - conduct research, share insights and drive awareness about race based inequities in industry. Check out #sharetheplatform - an antiracism campaign she recently incepted and launched with One Love Australia. We paired Malcolm Tunrbull, Janine Allis, Seth Godin, Daniel Flynn and Guy Kawasaki to interview and amplify First Nations and People of African Descent founders and their startups.
2. C O N N E C T I O N - address the lack of racially diverse representation in industry by connecting individuals from under represented groups to meaningful opportunities. Check out the Creative Cooperative - a collective of diverse womxn providing branding, marketing and web development services to the startup ecosystem and SMEs.
3. E N A B L E M E N T - creation of digital tools to enable the empowerment of under represented groups. Currently incubating Mentor360 - a digital mentoring platform enabling international students to thrive in Australia.
Want to chat? Feel free to get in touch!
I'm based in Melbourne. Say hi!